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Jobs & Internships - Columbus State University

Center for Career Design

Jobs & Internships

Create What's Next
You are here, but now what? What comes next? What does life after CSU look like? Where do you even start? We are here to help you with your wayfinding. One’s life and career journey are hardly linear processes. Each is an interactive process of gaining insights from engaged learning experiences. Just as there is no one definition of “success” in college life, there are multiple ways to be “successful” in your life and career.

Career Fair Guide

We’ve seen many students get internships and job offers at the career fairs we host on CSU campus. Be prepared to talk to the employers.

Career Fair Checklist (PDF)


Parker Dewey

Micro-internships are short-term, project-based, and paid experiences that allow you to try out many types of works related to your interests. It’s a great way to “stack up” on your relevant work experiences. Usually, it takes about 15 applications to land on the micro-internship, so apply as many and as often as you can! The list of available micro-internships change daily.

Access Parker Dewey

Jobs & Internships: Handshake


When you buy a car, you test drive it, right? Doing an internship is like test driving a car before buying it. Gain experiences and a deeper understanding of the career fields you are interested in. Handshake is where employers post jobs (full-time and part-time) and internships. If you make your profile public, employers can find you and directly recruit you.


On Campus Jobs

Working on campus has many benefits — your workplace is right by your classroom, and you are mentored by staff and faculty who care about your learning and growth as a professional.

CSU Human Resources Portal

Graduate Assistantship

Graduate Assistantship (GA) is a great way to get experience in research, teaching, and administration. The professional skills you gain are transferable to many industries.

Check out CSU's Graduate School's website and find Graduate Assistant Job Postings

Industry Specific Search Engines for Jobs and Internships

When you look for internships or jobs on these search engines, make sure that you safeguard yourself by keeping the following information in mind.

  1. Never use your personal bank account for your employer’s — or potential employer’s — business transactions.
  2. Remember, during your job/internship search you are selecting a potential employer. You should ask yourself, “What would I like to know about them? What can I learn about the organization before my interview?” Scammers count on people being so grateful to have a job/internship offer that they don’t ask questions.
  3. Be suspicious if you are offered a position without an interview.
  4. Don’t let your compassion override common sense. If a business owner has an emergency, no matter how dire, they should not rely on a college student they have never even met to keep their business operating.
  5. Never share your personal passwords or banking information with an employer — or potential employer. (Arrangements for direct deposit or paycheck should be made during your first day or week of actual employment on site — not before.)
  6. Verify that the email address of the potential employer matches the company they represent. Someone with hiring authority from a company should not contact you via a Gmail account because most legitimate employers have a company email account.
  7. Contact the Internship and Career Center at if you are suspicious about a job or internship offer. We are here to help.

Don’t let these scams detract you from using Handshake or applying for jobs and internships. A very small percentage of all job postings are fraudulent. For additional information, visit the Federal Trade Commission.

Communication / Media
Non-Profit / Government

Broward Interns
Find internships specifically for veterans

VA On-the-Job Trainings and Apprenticeship
Matches job seekers that hold active or current Department of Defense, Department of State, and Department of Energy security clearances to hiring employers and recruiters looking for skilled cleared candidates

Recruit Military
An online networking solution for U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines that are currently transitioning from the military as well as veterans with varying amounts of business experience

A growing job board for professionals with security clearances looking for jobs in the defense and intelligence community

Feds hire vets
Federal employment information for Veterans, transitioning service members, and their families

Veterans Jobs Mission
A list of over 140 companies looking to hire veterans

Grow with Google
For military service members and their spouses. A tool to search “jobs for veterans” on Google and enter your military occupational specialty code (MOS, AFSC, NEC or rating) to see relevant civilian jobs

Veterans Job Search Guide
A veteran’s guide to job hunting in the civilian world

Veterans Healthcare Career Pathways

My Next Move for Veterans
This site gives you a quick overview of what skills, knowledge, personality, education are needed for a career field/job title. It also provides a job outlook – whether each career field/job title is likely to have more openings in the future.

Military to Civilian Crosswalk
A site that translates work experiences in the armed force into civilian jobs and positions.

Ask Cody

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