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Returning Students - Columbus State University

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Education Abroad

Returning Students

Get Involved!

CSU Global Ambassadors

Consider applying to serve as a Global Ambassador. These are peer advisors who assist the Center for Global Engagement with promoting study abroad. Ambassadors receive a stipend for their service.

CGE Ambassador Description

The CGE Ambassador program is a peer advisor opportunity offered by the Center for Global Engagement. Within the program we have both Global Ambassadors and International Studies Certificate Ambassadors. Each will be responsible for outreach and promoting study abroad and international education on campus. CGE Ambassadors meet with students and groups interested in study abroad and international studies, serve as guides to their peers throughout their study abroad and international studies preparation, and represent the CGE in various capacities across campus. The ideal candidate is dependable, flexible, and highly self-motivated. Students with full-time jobs or part-time jobs that exceed 25 hours may have a difficult time completing service requirements. Students should understand that there is a significant time commitment for this award and are expected to stay heavily involved with the CGE.

Award Stipend

Award Stipend: $300

Global Ambassadors receive a service award of $300 awarded at the end of the semester in which service is completed. Receiving the award is contingent upon satisfactory completion of service within the allotted period. There are several roles that a student might decide to apply for - see specifics below. Only 1 student per semester can be selected for a unique role, otherwise you would have the traditional Ambassador responsibilities. In order to achieve satisfactory completion, students are expected to do the following...

Traditional Global Ambassador Responsibilities:

  • 20 Classroom Visits
  • 30 office hours
  • 15 social media pos

Optional Roles

Social Media/Marketing::

  • 5 classroom visits
  • 30 office hours
  • 25 social media posts which can include CGE flyers for events
  • Instagram Take-Over (1 week)

Digital Media/Film:

  • 5 classroom visits
  • 30 office hours
  • Short film IEW highlights (attend 4 events) or SA Fairs (attend 2 of the 3) - Fall Only
  • Film 3 testimonials of study abroad returnees - Spring Only

CGE Newsletter:

  • 5 classroom visits
  • 30 office hours
  • Interview students, faculty, staff for articles recommended by CGE
  • Design an electronic newsletter for the CGE to distribute monthly

Activity Planning – fall only:

  • 10 classroom visits
  • 20 office hours
  • Attend 1 hour minimum of the Education Abroad Fairs (Sept. 13-15, 2022)
  • Attend 4 IEW events to help (Oct. 24-28, 2022)
  • Plan/schedule cohort activity during the semester

Orientation/Discovery Day Coordinator – spring only:

  • 10 classroom visits
  • 20 office hours
  • 10 social media posts
  • Attend 3 Discovery Days (TBD)
Important Dates


Mandatory Training

International Education Week

Desired Qualifications or Traits
  • Enthusiasm and passion towards study abroad
  • Awareness of at least one specific country or world region
  • Experience with public speaking or willingness to speak to large groups
  • Strong interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills
  • Willingness to recruit program participants and promote study abroad
  • Adeptness to identify and address peer interests/needs while connecting them to specific approved programs
  • Ability to advise students in a professional, open, truthful and responsible manner, while representing CGE’s policies and mission
Benefits to Participants
  • Be afforded the opportunity to share your international experiences with your peers and inspire others to achieve similar life experiences
  • Gain advising, leadership, and marketing experience
  • Resume review workshop
  • Addition of concrete experience, qualifications, and skill sets to your resume
  • Enhanced public speaking and intercultural communication, and problem-solving skills
  • Build professional relationships with office staff, whilst heightening awareness of how a professional office functions
  • Letter of Recommendation upon request after successful service

CGE Ambassador Application

Student Organizations

  • Phi Beta Delta
  • Honor Society for International Scholars
  • Delta Nu Chapter

The International Club - The purpose of International Club is to foster relationships between Columbus State University’s international and home students in order to further the institution’s goal of internationalizing the campus.


If you are interested in attending either of the following conferences, email

Georgia International Leadership Conference

Lessons From Abroad Conference (Georgia)

Student Photos and Blogs

Share your travel blogs, photo galleries and videos with us! Check out other CSU student experiences.

This is an excellent way to share your experience on campus and inspire others to study abroad.

Service Hours for Education Abroad Funding

We need your help spreading the word across campus about study abroad programs. Check out our volunteer opportunities to complete service hours and sign up today!

  • Volunteer at our Information Tables. Email for available times.
  • Be a Travel Correspondent
  • Volunteer during International Education Week
  • Volunteer during the Education Abroad Fair
  • Volunteer during ROAR Orientations or Accepted Students Day
  • Assist Faculty Members in promoting their programs

Travel Correspondent Program Information and Application

Travel Correspondent Information

This program is specifically designed for students during their study abroad programs who wish to gain a better understanding of their experience and share their adventures with other CSU students through service. At CGE, we believe that all students should have the chance to participate in a study abroad program during your college career.

As a study abroad participant, you are in a unique position, in that you can help us tell other students at CSU about study abroad. Many students still think that study abroad is too expensive or only suited for language majors, as you may have thought at one time as well. We need your help in making sure that all students know the truth about study abroad: it is for everyone!

In an effort to reach out to students, your goal is to showcase the accessibility of study abroad to your peers, as well as highlight the benefits of study abroad from an academic, professional and/or personal perspective. When possible, you should capture CSU students abroad demonstrating school spirit (via video/photo). For example, photos that include students wearing CSU apparel is encouraged. The product of your participation in this program will be a reflection and representation of the University; and thus, the product must uphold the University conduct code and standards. The CGE will review all submissions to ensure it is appropriate and of the quality needed to uphold CSU.

If you receive a CGE Grant, you are expected to complete 5 service hours within a year. If you receive a CGE Scholarship, you are expected to complete 5 service hours within a year. Each one of the options below will count towards 1-5 service hours if it meets the requirements outlined below. For example, if you receive both the Grant & Scholarship, you can select two options from below or any combination of volunteering for events (Fairs, Orientations, Winterfest, Discovery Days, International Education Week) and also an option below. Some students may opt to complete the 10 service hours if they receive both the Grant & Scholarship directly through volunteering at events.

Travel Correspondent General Requirements
  • Students must be participating in a CSU approved study abroad program.
  • Participant must be willing to share all rights to photos and video footage with CSU.
  • Participant must fulfill a minimum requirement of photos, social media, and/or blog posts, based upon the length of their program. (Not applicable for video).
  • Participant receives 1-5 hours of service towards service requirements for CSU study abroad funding awards depending on project(s) completed below.

Video Journalists - 5 hours
Video correspondents must use their own camera during their study abroad travels. The correspondent is responsible for video documenting their programs activities, including travel, course excursions, etc. We recommend interviewing participants towards the end of the program to gain their impressions from students. The correspondent is responsible the footage to CSU upon completion of their program. All video footage will be subject to use by University Relations in marketing materials produced by the University.

Photo Journalists - 5 hours
Photo journalists utilize their own camera during the study abroad program. Students are responsible for submitting high-resolution images of their photos upon their return and creating an online photo journal. Your photos will be highlighted on the CSU website, CSU publications or other marketing pieces by the University Relations office. Photos must be high-resolution images suitable for printing/marketing. They must be uploaded on a public platform like Wix, Shutterfly, Flikr, etc. If your photos contain program participants, please check with the CGE to ensure everyone agreed to the Photo Release Waiver prior to final submission of images.

Minimum number of quality photos to receive credit:

Instagram Take-Overs - 2.5 hours

Students interested in participating in an Instagram Take-Over will be required to post each day (Monday-Friday) on topics provided with the proper hashtags. You will also be required to also come up with 5 articles (news, blog, interesting event), videos, and/or pictures to have posted on our Education Abroad Facebook. This is often done after your return to the US but can be completed while abroad if interested. Please email to schedule the week to complete the take-over.

TikTok - 2 hours

Students interested in participating in a TikTok Take-Over will choose from the options below and share captions for each submission as they capture the essence of study abroad. This will be done after your return to the US. Please email your videos/ photos.


  • Create your own tiktok and submit to the CGE.
  • Submit 3 videos minimum, 2 minutes in length minimum
  • Submit 5 videos to create a mashup, no length required
  • Submit 25/50/75/100 photos, based on program length

Momentum Undergraduate Research Journal - 2.5/ 5 hours

Interested students can write an APA formatted 4-5 page paper highlighting how their study abroad affected their lives academically, professionally, and personally. The deadline for Fall submissions is November 1st and Spring is March 1st. Please submit all papers to Only if the review committee chooses your submission will you receive credit for all 5 volunteer hours. Otherwise, you will only receive 2.5 hours toward your required amount for the semester.

Bloggers - 5 hours

Online bloggers will regularly provide descriptive posts of their activities, studies, adventures and thoughts while

abroad. Blogs will be linked to the CSU website, and select entries may be highlighted by University Relations or the Center for Global Engagement in marketing publications.

Minimum number of blog posts to receive credit:

Travel Correspondant Program Contract Agreement

Academic Opportunities

The International Studies Certificate is a supplemental certificate for students already pursuing a bachelor's degree at CSU. It affords students the opportunity to expand their international skills and knowledge by integrating coursework throughout the curriculum - from general education courses to the research capstone within the student's major. Students who pursue the International Studies Certificate will leave CSU better prepared for a globalized world.

International Studies Certificate

Contact: Dr. Eric Spears, International Studies Certificate Coordinator

Professional/Career Opportunities

Work, Intern, Volunteer, or Teach Abroad! Visit CSU's Center for Career Design

Ask Cody

Ask Cody