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Enrichment Seminars, Study Abroad, & Service Learning - Columbus State University

Hurricane Helene Campus Updates (9/25/2024)

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Honors College

Enrichment Seminars, Study Abroad, & Service Learning

CSU Honors Students enjoy a variety of on and off-campus enrichment courses that are designed to expose them to different academic disciplines and develop historical, cultural and global perspectives of their world.

Honors 3000: Honors Enrichment

Each student completes three on-campus enrichment courses before completing the program. The courses are designed to interconnect disciplines and enrich the collegiate experience through cultural, historical, and social perspectives. HONS 3000 are zero-credit hours and open only to members of the CSU Honors College, who guide the selection of topics the program offers. Topics vary each term and extend beyond standard university offerings. Some of the past topics include: international films, world religions, American Sign Language, comparative media, photography, varieties of Protestantism, Gardens of Georgia, origami, and history and arts venues. HONS 3000 courses are open to all levels of students, including freshmen and sophomores, and are graded S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory). Students may only enroll in up to two HONS 3000 courses in one semester.

Honors 3010: Study Abroad & Honors 3020: Service Learning

Each member of the CSU Honors College will engage in at least one off-campus enrichment activity in the form of a study abroad or a service learning project. This requirement is typically completed during the junior year, but with study abroad may be completed during any academic year the student selects. These experiences are designed to develop global perspectives and civic responsibility.

HONS 3010

Most members elect to study abroad and enroll in HONS 3010 during the semester they complete coursework at an international venue. The study abroad program need not be directly related to a students' major and courses completed in the program may or may not be at an honors level. To earn a satisfactory grade, students must that document their experience during their study abroad either electronically (e.g. blog or website) or through a reflective journal. Students are encouraged to include photography, sketches, and other meaningful items to enhance a readers understanding of their experience.

Examples of Recent Blogs:

Study abroad scholarships are available to any year group (e.g. freshmen) and applications are available at the Center for Global Engagement. Honors students who were awarded a four year tuition scholarship also have study abroad stipends of $3,200 which may be used during their junior and senior years only. This stipend requires a separate application from the Center for Global Engagement. For more information about upcoming study abroad programs, see the Center for Global Engagement Website.

HONS 3020

As an alternative, members may opt to develop a semester-long service learning project in which they apply knowledge and skills specific to their academic majors to their work with individuals and/or groups in the community. Students may develop service learning projects as teams or individually and must submit a proposal for their project prior to enrolling in HONS 3020. To earn a satisfactory grade in HONS 3020, students must identify a local agency and community need, develop a proposal to provide a service that meets that need, perform the service, and formally present their work to the community and honors program students.

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