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Honors College Faculty Resources - Columbus State University

Honors College

Honors College Faculty Resources

The academic coursework in Honors is delivered by outstanding faculty across CSU's campus. The following resources are available to assist faculty in honors course development and to insure that the courses contribute to the overall Honors College Learning Outcomes.

Faculty members participate in the honors program through:

All faculty working with honors students should review the Honors College Mission Statement and Learning Outcomes and may also wish to review the entire Honors Student Handbook (PDF) to understand how their work contributes to overarching program goals.

Faculty can also find five-minute videos to help them with contracts, courses, and more!

Honors Faculty Fellows Program

The Honors Faculty Fellows Program is designed to provide cohorts of trained faculty who could act as ambassadors for the Honors College who have participated in comprehensive honors professional development. Fellows will rotate through teaching honors core courses and enrichment seminars, team-teaching HONS 3555 Great Conversations, and working with honors students as they prepare their senior project proposals.

Learn More About the Faculty Fellows Program

Honors Lower Division Coursework

Honors courses provide opportunities for high achieving students to learn through discourse rather than lecture. Courses should focus on depth rather than breadth of the subject matter, and often allow opportunities for experiential learning or analysis of connections between academic disciplines. Field trips, guest speakers, and other unique academic experiences may be funded by the Honors College. Course enrollment is restricted to Honors College students and those earning greater than 3.0 GPA, and capacities are typically limited to 18 students. All courses are part of faculty teaching loads and are designated as honors with an “H” suffix, e.g. ENGL 2112H or POLS 1101H.


Honors Enrichment Coursework

Honors enrichment courses (HONS 3000) provide cultural and interdisciplinary enrichment activities. Courses are zero-credit hour, restricted Honors College students, and graded pass-fail based on attendance and participation. HONS 3000 courses are not part of teaching loads and are typically limited to 18 students. Small stipends are available to support courses, materials, field trips, etc. Courses taught in the past include:

  • Photography
  • Bridge
  • Theatrical Performances
  • International Films
  • Leadership
  • Ceramics
  • Historical Venues
  • Organic Gardening

Faculty are encouraged to think creatively about topics and make courses interactive to allow students to get to know other honors students in their discipline. Topics may be based on your academic discipline, but designed for non-majors since the honors college includes majors from across campus.

Honors Upper Division Contracts

All honors students must also develop Honors Contracts during their upper division course work. Contracts are independent projects associated with existing upper division coursework that enhance the subject matter discussed in the course. Projects may be extended research on a topic agreed upon by the professor and student, which may result in a paper, presentation, creative art piece, computer program, etc. Some professors will opt to structure the experience by modifying the Oxford Tutorial style of instruction.


Propose an Honors Course

2020–2021 Honors College Handbook (PDF)

2019–2020 Honors College Handbook (PDF)

2018–2019 Honors College Handbook (PDF)

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