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Student Resources - Columbus State University

Honors College

Student Resources

Resources for Prospective Students

Ambassadors are students who have agreed to represent the Honors College to their peers and the community. These students participate in the Honors Community as essay reviewers for scholarship applicants, SRACE grant proposal critics for our ITDS1779H course, and through a host of campus volunteer events. Once a semester, Ambassadors are required to make classroom visits across campus, in their respective disciplines, to encourage faculty and students to learn more about the Honors College.

How to Become an Honors Ambassador

Entering Freshmen

Students who apply as Freshmen and are offered Honors College scholarships of any level are required to be Honors College Ambassadors for the duration of their scholarship. Students who were not offered scholarships, but would enjoy the engagement and experience of participation in our Ambassador program may request to join by speaking with an Honors College advisor.

Existing Undergraduates

If you've just joined our college as an undergraduate, or you're an existing undergraduate who is looking to get involved, you're welcome to consider joining the Honors College Ambassadors! Undergraduates interested in becoming Honors College Ambassadors should speak with their Honors College advisor during Advising Month prior to early registration.

Make an appointment with your Honors College advisor now!

Ambassador Requirements


Ambassadors are required to get together once at the beginning of Fall semester to receive training, updates, and swag (such as buttons and shirts). Beyond that, student ambassadors are very much in control of the scheduling of their requirements. These requirements are easily recalled by 3-2-1.

  • 3 Honors College Volunteer Events per year
  • 2 Classroom Visits per semester
  • 1 Hour at an Information Table per semester

It is expected that Ambassadors will wear an Honors College or Honoris Causa shirt, or polo, to each requirement unless otherwise instructed by the event coordinator.

Honors College Volunteer Events

Throughout the year the Honors College hosts many events in which volunteers are required such as the Honors College Breakfast Club, the Honors Junior Experience, Interview Day, Tower Interview Day, Orientation, and more! Because the pool of Ambassadors is filled with variety, I do not monitor Ambassadors individually. Ambassadors are emailed when the Honors College has an event, and as long as enough students volunteer, no individual ambassador is targeted. However, should there be events for which gathering Ambassadors by volunteer is ineffective, the Ambassadors who have participated the least throughout the year will be targeted first.

First you're looking for events which you want to volunteer for before an e-mail request has gone out, please check the Honors College calendar which we try to keep up-to-date with our upcoming events for students, recruitment, and faculty.

Ambassadors hoping to use these requirements as volunteer hours for an outside organization must track their hours personally and list an appropriate member of the Honors College Staff as their supervisor for the hours.

Classroom Visits

Twice a semester, Ambassadors are expected to meet with faculty in their academic department to select two introductory or low-level courses that can be visited within the semester. It is expected that these visits will occur before midterm so that students who would like to join Honors may have time to improve their CSU GPAs if needed. Ambassadors will have pre-existing relationships with the faculty in their department as orchestrated by the Honors College during Ambassador Fall Training. 

Students should take sign-in sheets with them to classroom visits to gather e-mail addresses of interested students. These sheets can be collected from the Honors College office or printed from the Ambassadors shared Google Folder.

Information Tables

Once a semester the Honors College will coordinate for information tables to be hosted on Main Campus as well as RiverPark campus. It is expected that each ambassador will volunteer for no less than 1 hour at one of these tables, once a semester. Ambassadors hosting these tables should be prepared to answer questions regarding their experience in the program, the Points System, the Undergraduate Scholarship, Honors Educational Activity Grants, and Honoris Causa.

Please see Honoris Causa

Please see Honors Housing. For general housing information, please see Residence Life's Living on Campus.

Please see Scholarships.

Resources for Current Students

During the final year of the CSU Honors College, members complete a capstone experience which includes a thesis or juried performance. Students are encouraged to begin thinking about their thesis topic during their junior year, and many times, students discover their topic while completing an Honors Contract.

Students are encouraged to enroll in HONS 4901 Honors Senior Project Proposal no later than one semester prior to their intended graduation. During the proposal process, you will work with a professor in your discipline and with the Dean of the Honors College to determine whether a thesis or an alternative to thesis is best suited to your senior project. The Senior Project Proposal course is a one credit hour course that is graded as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory and may be taken the same semester as the two credit hour courses, HONS 4902 Thesis & Oral Defense or HONS 4912 Alternative to Thesis, depending upon the timing of the project's completion.

Note: All biology majors complete a separate process for their capstone experience.

For examples of previous honors contracts, see the Contract Library.

Please see the Academic Catalog.

Please see Scholarships.

Additional Resources

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