Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
CSU requires an updated award letter to apply a payment to the students account. Without the updated award letter the student will be responsible for all tuition and fees up front until the VA sends payment for courses.
You can access your award letter on the VA webpage,, and print off your award letter, if you need assistance navigating the webpage you can contact the CSU VA office.
Currently it is the student's responsibility to give their course schedule to the CSU VA office. Without a course schedule, the Certifying Official does not know the student enrolled in courses and would be unable to submit the appropriate information to the VA Regional Office
If you are concerned about a payment you should first check with the CSU VA office to ensure the appropriate paper work was turned in. If all necessary and up to date paperwork is on record in the CSU VA office, we will direct you to the VA Regional office for payment inquiries.
CH 35 (DEA) and CH 30 pays the student directly based on their enrollment hours. If
you are using CH 35 or CH 30 you will still be responsible for the cost of tuition
and fees. Current pay rates can be found at the sight below.
If a student withdraws from a course for any reason after the drop/add period, the CSU VA Office is required to report the withdrawal to the VA Regional Office. Most likely the student will then owe any money paid out for that course back to the VA. This includes any housing allowance, book stipend, and tuition/fees associated with the dropped course. For more information about withdrawing from a course and attendance policies click the link below.
The CSU VA office is required to report any drop or withdraw from one or all courses
to the VA Regional Office. It is advised to contact the CSU VA office BEFORE you drop
any courses. For more information on Military Withdrawals and other CSU attendance
policies click on the link below.