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Green to Gold (Army ROTC) - Columbus State University

Military-Connected Student Services

For active-duty soldiers, veterans and their families

Green to Gold (Army ROTC)

Enrollment Process

  1. Apply to Columbus State University.
  2. Order official transcripts from each school you have attended (include your JST, CLEPs, DSST, DLPT, or DLI) and submit them electronically.
  3. Submit the Military Fee Waiver form (PDF) with your Orders to
  4. Check your MyCSU and CSU email regularly for admissions and transfer credit information. If you do not receive your admission decision within 3 weeks of your file being complete, contact Catrina Smith-Edmond.
  5. Request your JST (link JST to to be sent to CSU and complete the JST Credit Evaluation Form that is found through MyCSU.
  6. Work on your Academic Summary (104-R-1 for Phase 1) and Academic Planner (104-R for Phase 2) using these resources:
    1. This example fillable PDF form available for download;
    2. DegreeWorks (in MyCSU). If you need assistance with your DegreeWorks, contact Angela Howard.
  7. Email your drafts 104-R-1 and 104-R in fillable PDF format to Angela Howard for review, recommendations, and updates. Allow up to 2 weeks for this review.
  8. Email Melissa Young your completed drafts of 104-R-1 and 104-R in fillable PDF format. Schedule an appointment with her at least 7 business days after you send your drafts.
    • Meet with Mrs. Young or her designee to obtain a copy of 104-R-1 and 104-R signed by the department chair or academic advisor.
  9. Sign pages 2 and 3 and return the 104-R to Angela Howard for the Professor of Military Science’s signature.
  10. Contact Military-Connected Student Services if you plan to use Military Education Benefits to cover tuition and fees.

Please allow 4–6 weeks from university acceptance to 104-R completion.

Contact Information

ROTC Recruiting Officer:
Mr. Patrick "Scott" Jones
Phone: 706-507-8031

ROTC Academic Support Assistant:
Mrs. Angie Howard
Phone: 706-565-1461

Military-Connected Student Services:
Phone: 706-507-8805

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