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Advanced Camp Course - Columbus State University

Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)

Advanced Camp Course


US Army Cadet Command (USACC) conducts Cadet Summer Training (CST) between May and August. CST consists of four main components:

Basic Camp (BC), Advanced Camp (AC), Cadet Professional Development Training (CPDT) and Cultural Understanding and Leadership Program (CU&LP). Approximately 11,000 Cadets participate in CST annually, supported by approximately 5,400 cadre from USACC, FORSCOM, USAR, MEDCOM and newly commissioned 2LTs.

Advanced Camp (AC) is the capstone, 37-day training event designed to assess a Cadet's ability to demonstrate proficiency in Basic Officer Leadership Course-A tasks and leadership abilities. Approximately 7,100 Cadets are evaluated on their ability to lead at the squad and platoon levels, both in garrison and tactical environments. Cadets are mentally and physically tested during a consequence-driven field training exercise that replicates a combat training center rotation. Successful completion of AC is a prerequisite for commissioning.

CST requires AC Cadets to pass and complete several events while operating out of a patrol base environment for 14 of 37 days. These completion requirements include:

  1. Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and height/weight.
  2. Land navigation (written and practical).
  3. M4 qualification.
  4. 6-mile foot march.
  5. Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear (CBRN).
  6. Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3).
  7. Call for fire tasks.
  8. Receive satisfactory assessments in a minimum of four leadership positions (at least two in the field training exercise environment).
  9. Negotiate the rappel and confidence courses.
  10. Earn a minimum rating of CAPABLE on the Advanced Camp Evaluation Report (ACER).
  11. Miss no more than 48 hours of scheduled training.
  12. Grenade familiarization, must successfully throw two live grenades.
  13. Buddy team live fire, must successfully complete the training.
  14. Must attempt the 8 mile foot march.
  15. Must complete the 12 mile foot march.


Advanced Camp Photos







Shooting Range

The Range 


LRC (Leaders Reaction Course)



Rappel Tower

Rappel Tower

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