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ROTC Forms - Columbus State University

Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)

ROTC Forms

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  1. Right click and choose "Save Link as" to save a copy on your desktop
  2. Right click on the saved document (whether on desktop, in downloads, etc.) and choose "Open with Adobe"
  3. If necessary, please download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
  4. All forms that can be typed will be typed. All others will be printed, filled out and signed.
  5. Signatures:
    • Use your “Given Name” signature (first, MI, and last name). DO NOT use aliases or abbreviations of your name.
    • In areas where it requires your initials, please use your first, middle, and last initials. Initial in cursive.
  6. Signature Dates: Use military day, month, year format (29 Mar 05). DO NOT use a number to represent a month.
  7. Include ZIP codes for city and state addresses given. If necessary, refer to an online ZIP code directory.

Non-Contracting Cadets / Documents

You are a non-contracting cadet if you don’t plan to contract with ROTC (i.e., you are only taking the class) and you are enrolled in either MSAL1215, MSAL 1216, MSAL 2225, or MSAL 2226. Your eligibility to be in Army ROTC cannot be determined until you have completed required forms and turned-in required documents. While compliance is voluntary, refusal to comply renders you ineligible for Army ROTC. You must complete this process within two weeks of the start of the semester, or within two weeks from when you added Army ROTC class(es) – unless your ROTC Instructor grants an extension. Failure to comply can result in your being required to drop Army ROTC class(es), or a restriction placed on your participation in ROTC labs, etc. All information and documents provided are kept confidential. You are advised that you MUST be a fulltime student to be in Army ROTC (12 or more credit hours).

Basic Camp Cadets / Documents

If you have at least two full years remaining in your college career, you can choose to attend a summer program called ROTC Basic Camp. Basic Camp's primary target audience is the Lateral Entry Cadet and the freshman Cadet. Lateral Entry Cadets typically decide to join ROTC in their sophomore year of college, thus require Basic Camp to learn what normal-progression Cadets have learned in their first two years of military science classes, during their freshman and sophomore years of Army ROTC. By completing the Basic Camp, students earn credit for the first two years of Army ROTC. This enables them to enter directly into the ROTC Advanced Course and earn a commission as an officer in the Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard upon completing their degree

Contracting Cadets / Documents

You are a contracting cadet if you plan to contract the next semester with ROTC. Contracting cadets who have already completed the paperwork listed below should continue to coordinate with the Army ROTC Recruiting Office on completing the contracting process. Contracting cadets who have not completed this paperwork should do so (EXCEPT for the DA Form 3425-R), and then contact the Army ROTC Recruiting Office to make an appointment to turn-in the paperwork and start the rest of the contracting process (Note: Do this SOON). You are advised that you MUST be a full-time student to be in Army ROTC (12 or more credit hours, including Military Science classes). You are also advised to be pro-active in the pre-contracting process, since each day you don’t contract during the semester can result in lost ROTC subsistence allowance (stipend).

Sample Documents

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