Course Descriptions
Course descriptions are arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the course designator, i.e., biology courses are designated by "BIOL" and are listed under "B".
Numbers following the title, i.e., (3-2-4), indicate the number of weekly class hours (first figure), the number of weekly laboratory or practicum hours (second figure), and the credit hour value expressed in semester hours (third figure). For example, (3-2-4) means the course has three class hours, two laboratory or practicum hours, and four semester hours of credit. Parentheses enclosing the third figure, i.e., (3-0-(3)), indicate that, although the course has a semester hour value equal to that number for enrollment purposes, the course does not produce credit toward certificates, baccalaureate or associate degrees. Parentheses enclosing figures one, two, or three, i.e., (0-(3-9)-(1-3)), indicate that the class or laboratory/practicum hours and the credit hours are variable within the range of numbers given.
Courses numbered 6000 and above are open only to graduate students. Courses with 5000 numbers are open to both graduate and advance-standing undergraduate students. In these courses, however, graduate students must do more extensive reading, prepare additional reports, and produce papers or other projects requiring more intensive research.
Course Descriptions
- ACCT Accounting
- ANTH Anthropology
- ARTE Art Education
- ARTH Art History
- ARTS Art-Studio
- ASTR Astronomy
- CHEM Chemistry
- CISM Computer Information Systems
- COMM Communications
- COUN Counseling
- CPSC Computer Science
- CRJU Criminal Justice
- CSUS College Success
- ECON Economics
- EDCI Education, Curriculum/Instruction
- EDEC Education, Early Childhood
- EDMG Education, Middle Grades
- EDRG Education, Reading Endorsement Program
- EDSE Education, Secondary
- EDUF Education, Foundation
- EDUL Education, Leadership
- EDUT Education, Technolgy
- ENGL English
- ENGR Engineering
- ENVS Environmental Science
- EURO European Union Studios
- MATH Mathematics
- MBA Master of Business Admin
- MGMT Management
- MKTG Marketing
- MODL Refresher Course Modules
- MPAC MPA Core Courses
- MPAG MPA General Government
- MPAH MPA Health Services
- MPAJ MPS Justice Administration
- MUSA Music, Applied
- MUSC Music, General
- MUSE Music, Education
- MUSP Music, Performance
- PEDS P.E. Service Courses
- PELM P.E. & Leisure Mgmt
- PHIL Philosophy
- PHYS Physics
- POLS Political Science
- PSYC Psychology